Stress is the body’s natural defence against a challenging situation. Whether it’s a work deadline, moving to a new home, family stress, or even something small such as a traffic jam, our body goes through a hormonal change when feeling under pressure.1
Stress is a part of life that we can’t get rid of, but what matters most is how you handle it. Seeking out healthy ways to manage feelings of stress can help us avoid the risk of developing further health complications.
Types of Stress
The modern world means we talk about “stress” a lot, but it comes in all shapes and sizes, so it’s important to break it down and understand what we may be feeling.
1. Physical Stress
Injuries or ill health can greatly impact how you feel day to day and increase feelings of stress.
2. Emotional Stress
Emotional stress can come in many forms. Often, when we are going through periods of change or uncertainty, we can begin to overthink, which can in turn, create feelings of worry, fear, anger, and sadness.3
3. Work Stress
Work can be a great source of stress for many reasons. Maybe you’re stuck in a profession you don’t particularly enjoy, feel like you’re being overworked or are experiencing conflict with a co-worker. When it comes down to it, we spend one-third of our lives at work2 so it’s important to try and find a suitable work-life balance and a way to manage these problems. Try talking to someone you feel you can confide in.
4. Life Stress
Life’s big milestones are often unexpected: the death of a loved one, divorce, moving house, job losses or illness can all be classified as some of life’s biggest stressors.4 While in some cases we can never be prepared for these moments, we can take note of some helpful measures to alleviate the symptoms of stress. An example of this can be mindfulness activities, which can help you stay grounded and engage in the moment, or simply being around positive people, in general, can help reduce sadness and negative thoughts you may be feeling.
Dealing with Stress
There are a number of approaches to help ease the mental load and pressure of a potentially stressful situation.
Moreover, other natural approaches may help in supporting your healthy wellness routine. RESCUE® flower essence products can be part of a natural healthcare approach to help keep you and your family on top of your day and provide support when facing challenging situations. RESCUE®, developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s, is the only brand with his signature of authenticity and trusted by millions of people around the world for over 80 years. RESCUE® Remedy combines 5 Bach® Original Flowers Essences, Clematis, Cherry Plum, Impatiens, Rock Rose and Star of Bethlehem.
RESCUE® Night contains the famous blend of 5 Bach Original Flowers Essences plus Horse Chestnut.